Executive support
In this busy world where we are often working to significant time, cost and geographical pressures, let us help you to deliver the projects and tasks that are often just not getting done. From representing your corporate body in the local community, lobbying at local or national level, attending meetings where you need representation but are too busy with the day job, or just covering workload peaks when that board paper needs to be written up and signatures need to be chased. We can provide confidential support from people used to working in that kind of environment.
Client Contractor Interface
This is predominantly driven by the need in any contract to maintain effective client /contractor relationships. Based on the principles contained within BS11000 for ‘Collaborative Business Relationships’ and recognising that smaller contracts can often be less well controlled than major projects, we want to work with you on any contracts/projects to deliver satisfactory outcomes for all concerned. There is no winner when a relationship breaks down and this is often due to poor understanding by one or more party.
Safety Rules and Safety
Let us work with you to provide Safety Rules support. Whether you need a team member to be personally coached in preparation for an authorisation panel, specific training needs to be sourced, or a full suite of Safety Rules documentation to be produced to DNO/NGT standards. We can provide project guidance for your own team to deliver, or a full package for you to implement across your company.
We are associated with one of the leading UK Safety organisations and all activity in this area would be underwritten by them.
Processes and Procedures
We can provide you with a formal documentation system and support your team as they make it their own, to enable you to demonstrate to a client that you are a competent contractor and work to a set of industry recognised standards. This would be matched to your needs and the needs of the interfacing client.
If you need a maintenance management system let us search the market on your behalf, find the CMMS that best suits your needs and costs. We can then prepare board papers to achieve commercial sign off, then work with you to set up and deliver an implementation programme.
We can work with you to provide contract specifications and assist in the selection of potential contractors.

Company Number 08832987
Bilcliff Energy Consulting Limited
Phone: 07940 488997